This garden was built for you.
Remember Together.
Many of our visitors host memorial services or gather in honor of their loved ones.
In memory of Michael Bickford, friends and families congregated to recognize him with a balloon release and shared reflections. Some attendees drove all the way from Maine to participate in this special event.
Grieve Together.
Hosted by the Central New York Perinatal & Infant Bereavement Network, friends & families gather annually at the group’s Celebration of Life event to plant a flower in honor of their baby under their memory tree. Every person is invited to share a poem, story, remembrance, or reflection.
The group hosted FMG’s first virtual event in 2020 in lieu of an in-person gathering.
Love Together.
To date, two couples have exchanged vows in the loop of the ribbon, inviting their friends and family to congregate and celebrate their union.
January & Ryan tied the knot in 2014. During the ceremony, the sun shone brightly on their childhood friend's brick, Brendan, and he was able to be a part of their special day in spirit.